Slashrecs by xen

First of the Month by Anna S.
(The Sentinel: Jim/Blair)

It's official: Anna S. is my new favorite Sentinel writer. This story rocks from beginning to end. Blair decides to work out the rent he owes Jim in trade. I have new appreciation for the term "rent boy" now. I love Blair POV stories, and this one explores a side of Blair that you rarely see in TS fic. He's manipulative and completely honest with himself about it. I like this not-so-innocent Blair going after what he wants with relish.
Wednesday, November 1, 2000

The Blair Witch Project by Corbeau
(The Sentinel: Jim/Blair)

Another Hallowe'en story, and this one is slash. Very sweet story about our favorite clueless guys, and I love the details of the Wiccan ceremony.
Tuesday, October 31, 2000

Snake Oil by Martha
(The Sentinel: gen Jim and Blair)

I'm breaking my own rules here and rec'ing a story that isn't slash, its gen. But this is one of the scariest stories I've ever read, professional or fan created, and the best story to read on Hallowe'en. The friendship between Jim and Blair comes through strong and professional writers should plot this well. Watch out though, you might be sleeping with the lights on tonight.

Tuesday, October 31, 2000

Wax Jism's fiction
(Various fandoms)

Good stuff here. Check out Grey Areas in the Sandburg Zone. I love the page design as well.
Monday, October 30, 2000

A Long Time Looking by Anna S.
(The Sentinel: Jim/Blair)

Wow, another great story from Anna S. This is the same Anna who wrote Dystocia which is the only domestic discipline story I have ever liked. There is an exception to every rule, and Anna breaks lots of rules. I like her. <g> But she doesn't write enough TS. Maybe she needs lots of LOCs for inspiration.
Sunday, October 29, 2000

The Sentinel recs by category
I originally posted these to list, and are divided into four categories: angst, first times, humor and burn your face off.
Sunday, October 29, 2000

Tasting Giles by Deb Baker
(Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Spike/Giles)

You never know what goodies you are going to find in a multimedia slash archive like Complete Kingdom of Slash Tasting Giles is a tasty vignette by Mama Deb of Sentinel fame. I with there were more writers exploring Spike/Giles, because I am in love with this pairing.
Thursday, October 19, 2000

Muscle Memory by Aiobheann
(Farscape: John/D'Argo)

I loved this story, it is the perfect compliment to the episode "Out of Our Minds" probably the slashiest episode of science fiction ever aired on television. And no one writes John Crichton like Aiobheann. This bit of inner dialogue had me rolling:

I've gotta invest in some clothes that don't make me look like a slut bottom leather boy in a gay biker bar.
Yeah, John, maybe...
Thursday, October 19, 2000

Farscape fetish drabbles
(Farscape: various)

Now this is a fun way to spend an hour! Fetish Drabbles -- 100 word drabbles based on an unusual sexual practice. Defintions taken from the Glossary of Unusual Sexual Practices. This was a bit of silliness on, the Farscape adult discussion email list. Check it out, they are addictive!
Thursday, October 19, 2000