Slashrecs by xen

The Sentinel angst recs

Cycles part 7 by Franscesca
This chapter makes me sob like a baby everytime I read what Jim says about Blair being a force of nature, when he's on the balcony talking to Daniel, and ok I'm gonna cry again if I keep thinking about it. Such beautiful use of words.

The Panther Tales by Saraid
I haven't been able to make myself read this series a second time, its just too sad. But its so damn good.

Homeward Bound by Alyjude
Everyone's probably already read this one, its alyjude, but it's one of my favorite Blair-owies. I bawl my head off everytime I read it.

From One Moment by Legion
She calls this a snippet, but it did a complete job on me. I found myself thinking about this story for days after I first read it.

Life Half lived by Jack Reuben Darcy
If you want angst, Jack's da man. This story gave me a headache I cried so hard. I put off reading this one for months after I had read everything else by JRD because of the warnings, but sometimes ya just need a good cry, so I'm glad I waited. But don't be put off by the warnings too much. It is a beautiful love story, not just an angst fest.