Slashrecs by xen

Wednesday, January 31, 2001

Continuing with the crossover theme, today's story is Reaffirmation by LaT, which I think I mentioned before, but didn't actually rec. It's a Buried on Sunday/Last Night crossover, which makes it a Paul Gross/Callum Keith Rennie character pairing. I loved Last Night but I have to say I prefer LaT's ending to what Craig was actually doing at the end of the last night.

I'm still getting 500 server errors when I try to create an archive for this blog, so for now the permalinks won't work. I'm hoping Blogger is working on fixing this problem; I'd hate to have to move back to pitas after all.
posted by fangrrl xen 1:31 PM

Monday, January 29, 2001

It's weird crossover week here at slashrecs by xen. Today's recommended story is Crossroads by Kellie Matthews. It is a Buried on Sunday/Masterminds crossover, and takes the award for strangest pairing ever. The key here is that Gus is a Paul Gross character and Ollie was played by Callum Keith Rennie. So it works for me. It's long, (445K) it's angsty in places and downright sweet in others, and I caught myself thinking about it days later. I wanted to read more about Gus and Ollie after the story ended. And now I really want to see Buried on Sunday which tells me has already been shipped, so I shouldn't have to wait to much longer. Thank god that Masterminds was on TNT a few weeks ago and I remembered to tape it, or I probably would have skipped this story. Not that you learn a lot about Ollie in Masterminds but hey, that's what fanfic's for. Kellie has given Ollie an interesting background, and made him into quite a likeable character. So go read it.
posted by fangrrl xen 11:59 AM

Sunday, January 28, 2001

Yep, slashrecs has moved to Blogger too, but I'm leaving a link up to the old Pitas page, because there are tons of links over there that I am not moving. But any new recs will only be posted here, so be sure to bookmark this new page.
posted by fangrrl xen 1:08 PM

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Slash fan-fiction recs from many fandoms.
