G vs E slash list

This list is for writers and readers of Good vs Evil slash fan fiction. Fiction
posted to this list will be archived on this website if the author gives
permission. Feedback is appreciated by the authors. This list is for adults
18 and over, by subscribing to this list you are stating that you are over 18.
This is a slash list only, no het or gen allowed.
Slash is fiction pairing same sex couples in sexual and romantic
relationships. If this is not your idea of a good time, DO NOT subscribe.
Flamers will be unsubbed. Please post in plain text, not HTML. Some people's
email clients cannot read HTML email. Please do not post spam, chain letters,
urban legends, virus warnings, pleas for people to join All Advantage, etc.
If you do, you'll get one warning, upon second violation you will be banned.
Discussion of the show is welcome. Off topic posting is ok, as long as it doesn't overtake the list.
Please include "OT" in the subject header of any off topic post so people
who don't want to read it can delete it. Please read the
submission guidelines before posting stories to the list.

 Join GvsE slash! 

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