Author: Perletwo
Title: Never Ever (fetish drabble)
Category: Plot-What-Plot
Rating : oh, call it PG-13. Do I hear an NC-17? Going
once, going twice...
Summary: Solo F, modest smut content. Aeryn tries to
make sure that incident in the Flax will never, ever
happen again. Whyn't y'all tell me these fetish
drabble thingies are addictive? :P (I don't count the
Odd Sex
Glossary entry in my 100 words, BTW.)
Archive: Smutscape, FSA, others please ask.
Feedback: Why not? on or off list;

***Oxygen regulation: regulating intake of oxygen for
sexual enhancement ***

In through the nose. Out through the mouth.

Pause for a count of five:

Never. Happen. Again. Never. Never.

In through the nose. Hold for a count of five:

Heat. of. the. mo-ment. Exhale!

Frell, my lungs are on fire....

All right. Enough of that panting now. Back to work!

In through the nose. Hold. Count of five.

Pure. Oxy-gen. My. Ass!


Not just the lungs on fire that time!

Waitamicrot! How did my hands get there?

Hands, you do not seem to be understanding the point
of this exercise....

In through the nose....






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