TITLE: Internal Affairs Part 7 - Hunted AUTHOR: Babygirl lizlee@star.net PAIRING: John/D´Argo, John/Misc. Female RATING: NC-17 suggested m/m relationship, graphic m/f sex, first time. WARNING: contains violence. SUMMARY: The crew makes plans to rescue a beloved crewmember. NOTES: This is a sequel to my story "Emptiness Lost" and the "Blood Brothers" series by Aiobheann. DISCLAIMER: These characters belong to Henson and the SciFi Channel, and no copyright infringement is intended by my use of them. The characters may not belong to me, but the story and my original characters do. Copyright 1999, Babygirl. FEEDBACK: I would love some. ARCHIVE: Aiobheann's Farscape Slash, Smutscape, LALEA ![]() Meyla's body relaxed as Crichton smiled sweetly as her. She leaned foreword and wrapped her arms around his neck. Burying her face in his shoulder she sobbed silently. He put his arms around her and stroked her back to comfort her. "Oh there, there," he cooed. "What could possibly be the matter?" She pulled back to look at him and he raised his hand to her face, wiping away the tears from her cheeks. "It's okay, little one. Everything's fine." Meyla smiled through her tears but realized that he looked different. His face was pale with sunken eyes and hollow cheeks. She pressed her hand to his chin feeling the coarse layer of stubble that he'd allowed to grow. As her thumb ran over his chin he wrapped his lips around it and sucked it into his mouth. Meyla gasped slightly at the sensation of his warm mouth around her thumb and his tongue as it flicked around its tip. Taking her wrist in his hand he slowly drew her thumb out of his mouth and ran his tongue over the palm of her hand. As its silky wet surface stroked her skin she felt her breath quicken. The velvety drag of his tongue mixed with the coarse brushing of his whiskers made her skin tingle all the way up her arm. Releasing her hand he leaned his face close to hers, Meyla looked into his eyes and felt held in their intensity, felt herself surrounded by his hot breath. Opening his mouth, he ran his tongue along the edges of her lips. She shuddered and opened her mouth to gasp. Crichton presses his mouth to hers, catching her breath in her throat. As his probing tongue filled her mouth she tensed her body and grabbed onto his shoulders with both hands. The kiss lingered on, slowly, probing, exploring. Meyla lost herself in it, forgetting everything except his wet, kneading lips, his warm silky tongue; even the stubble from his face as it rubbed across her soft skin. She was vaguely aware of his roaming hands on her, touching and caressing her. He pulled his mouth away. She looked up longingly, wanting his mouth back. He smiled wide, running his hands over her chest. Meyla looked down and realized that while he was kissing her he had unfastened the clasps of her shirt and spread it wide open to reveal her small round breasts. Crichton leaned towards her again. She opened her mouth and closed her eyes, waiting for the feel of his mouth on hers once more. Instead she felt his warm lips on her neck, sucking and nibbling. She leaned back against the Farscape module and breathed a silent sigh. Crichton's mouth kissed and licked its way down her chest and closed over one hard erect nipple. He licked and teased the hard little nub with flicking wet circles. Meyla wrapped her arms around his head. Running her fingers through his short hair, she pressed him closer to her chest. He moved to her other nipple, as attentive as with the first. She looked up at the ceiling and smiled, wondering how she could´ve lived her whole life without knowing such sensations. Then she felt his mouth planting gentle kisses down her stomach, at the same time his hands ran up and down her thighs. She looked down at him as he settled down before her on his knees. He looked up at her with mischievous eyes and a sweet smile that said he had a surprise for her. He then turned his attention to what was in front of him. Meyla inhaled sharply as his hands ran up the soft skin of her thighs, pulling up her skirt as they went. She bit her lower lip as his fingers hooked around the waistband of her underwear and pulled it down her legs. She was so stunned by what he was doing that he had to urge her to lift one foot and than another so that her underwear could be pulled off and tossed aside. Then his hands were on her thighs again. He had pulled her skirt up revealing her nakedness and was now urging her to spread her legs. Meyla could feel her heart pounding frantically in her chest as he carefree hands dared to touch her in her most private place. She put her hands on his shoulders and pushed him back slightly, her eyes were wide with fear and uncertainty. Crichton smiled again at her sweetly but his eyes had a kind of hungry look to them. "It's all right, my dear," he purred. "You'll like this." Before she could respond he leaned forward and pressed his face between her thighs. Meyla let out air that would've been a cry had she still had her voice. Crichton had plunged forward with lips, fingers and tongue into her most sensitive depth. His tongue flicked about with expert movements as he impaled her with two thrusting fingers. She felt her knees buckle as her body was overcome with this strange new onslaught of sensations. Reaching her arms out on either side she grasped the top rim of the module in an effort to stay on her feet. She gasped and exhaled in silent moans and cries as her hips rocked with Crichton´s caressing rhythm. Meyla felt a building in her, a tension deep inside as if a cord was being slowly pulled taut. Crichton seemed to sense the growing level of her excitement and increased his tempo to match it. Soon she was only aware of his flicking tongue, his probing fingers and the rough stubble on his cheeks as it brushed against her swollen folds. Then he closed his lips over her most sensitive node and sucked hard. Meyla was shocked with an explosion of pleasure as the tight cord of tension in her snapped. Her fingers clawed at the sides of the module, her eyes rolled back and her hips bucked uncontrollably against him. Then it was over and a wave washed over her, relaxing tensed muscles and melting her bones. Meyla closed her eyes and gasped to catch her breath. Her hands still held tight to the module preventing her body from melting to the floor. When she opened her eyes Crichton was standing up, facing her. Smiling, he leaned forward and kissed her tenderly on each cheek, tasting the salty tears that had been forced out of her eyes. Letting go of the module she quickly wrapped her arms around his shoulders and leaned on him. She buried her face in his chest and although she was happy she couldn´t stop the silent sobs. Meyla then felt his hands on her shoulders, turning her and guiding her down to lean over across one of the module's wings. Struck momentarily with fear she tried to straighten up but was held down by a gentle but firm hand on her back. She could hear behind her the rustling of material and the jingle of metal clasps. Then she felt his boot on her ankles as he nudged them, urging her to spread her legs. "Don't be afraid, little one," he cooed. Then she felt him push up against her. Her body tensed and she gasped as he entered her tight wet opening. She grit her teeth and her eyes filled with tears at the pain of being so filled and invaded for the first time. When he was all the way in he stopped and leaned over, pressing his body to hers. He ran his hands slowly up and down her sides while kissing the back of her neck. He could feel her body twitch in response to his roaming touch. "There, there. It will be all right," he whispered in her ear. He then lifted himself up and began thrusting his hips. Meyla pressed her cheek to the cold surface of the module's wing and held the edges with her hands in an effort to steady her body against his jerking movements. His invasive tempo increased and she gasped as she felt his hand reach around in front and between her legs. Probing fingers sought out her most sensitive node and caressed it mercilessly. She dug her fingers against the metal and arched her back as her body responded to his touch. It built a fire of pleasure between her legs that she could not control. She rocked and bucked for what seemed like arns, as her mind was lost in the pleasure that her body tenaciously held on to. Then suddenly she was overcome by his powerful thrusts and his caressing fingers in a burning bittersweet ecstasy that threatened to incinerate her body. When his gasping moans rang out with the hot pumping of fluid that filled her she arched her back in a silent cry as the pleasure exploded all through her body. With her last bits of energy spent Meyla slumped her body down on the module's wing. From behind she could hear the rustle of cloth as Crichton pulled up and refastened his pants. As her strength slowly returned she stood up. Grabbing the edges of her skirt she pulled it back down over her hips. She turned around on shaky legs and would have fallen to the floor had he not gathered her up in his arms. Crichton stroked her head and back. "Yes, little one," he whispered as he kissed the top of her head. "You never knew you were capable of experiencing such pleasure, did you?" Meyla nodded against his chest and sniffed loudly. She felt so warm and safe in his arms. Tilting her head up she kissed his neck over and over. His skin had a salty taste to it and his musky smell brought life back to her body as it filled her nostrils. She began stroking his back, feeling the tight muscles under his T-shirt. "Eilynn didn't want you to know about this." Crichton whispered. Meyla stopped her caressing and looked up at him with eyes that said, "what?" "It's true," he continued. "I wanted to touch you the first moment I met you. I wanted you to know the pleasure I could give you." Meyla´s eyes said, "really?" Crichton stroked her cheek with the edge of his fingers. "Oh yes, but Eilynn didn't want me to. She told me to stay away." Now her eyes said, "why?" "She said that you were too young, that you weren't ready yet." He smiled and kissed her lightly on the forehead. "I think that she was being selfish." Again the eyes said, "why?" "I bet she thinks that she's the only one who deserves to feel so good. Have you noticed that she didn't waste any time stealing away with D'Argo? What do you think they've been doing behind closed doors, eh, little one?" Meyla's eyes took on an edge of anger and hurt. "She may not think you're ready but I know you are. Don't you agree?" Meyla stared at him as anger filled her eyes. Reaching up she grabbed the back of his neck and pulled his head close to hers. There was no shyness, no restraint in the kiss she gave him. It was forceful and stubborn. It said, "I'll show you who's ready!" Crichton pulled her closer to him receiving her wild kiss as enthusiastically as he returned it. He smiled and chuckled when she pulled away and began kissing and nibbling the skin on his neck. Her hands roamed freely over his back and grabbed onto the firm round curve of his ass, stroking and kneading. Her hands slipped under the edges of his T-shirt and lifted it up to expose his belly. Leaning down, Meyla kissed and lapped the surface of his stomach, moving slowly upwards, lifting his shirt as she went. She closed her eyes and breathed deep of his musky scent that was like a wild perfume on his skin. Then there was a new sensation on her tongue. She'd reached a ridge in his skin that was warmer then the skin on his stomach. It had a strange tender feel to it and a slight metallic taste. She pulled her head back and starred at his skin. The ridge was, in fact, a deep cut, red and swollen and crusted with blood. Lifting his shirt higher it reveled several more of these deep gashes. Clean slices in a crisscross, two rows of five, all read and swollen. Meyla's heart froze in her chest as the words Aeryn spoke earlier now rang in her head. "Whoever attacked Eilynn is suffering a bit themselves. She had quite a bit of skin under her claws." She looked up at Crichton; he was smiling down at her in such a way that made her blood run cold. She shook her head, her face said, "No! No, not you!" "I see that you can put two and two together, little one. I sure taught Eilynn a lesson, didn´t I?" he hissed. His face was twisted in an evil smile and his eyes seemed to burn into her. A moment ago he seemed so kind and gentle but now the mere sight if him filled her with terror. "You're lucky," he continued. "I'm feeling compassionate today. I just wanted to make the last moments of your life enjoyable." Meyla's body went ridged when she realized that he planed to kill her. Without thinking she lunged forward, thrusting her hands out with all her strength pushing him backwards. The force was enough to make him lose his footing. His calves struck the crate just behind him causing him to tumble backwards onto the floor. Meyla didn't waste any time; she dashed towards the large main door. The room was so big and it seemed to stretch out for miles in front of her. To her horror she could hear Crichton getting to his feet and start running after her. Her ears filled with the pounding of his feet. No matter how fast she ran the pounding got louder as he closed the distance between them. Finally she reached the door and slammed her hand furiously at the controls. The large door started to swing closed agonizingly slow. Meyla allowed herself to look back into the room only to see Crichton running towards her. Slowly the door closed in on the space between them. Crichton sped up his pace trying to reach the opening before it was gone. Meyla backed up fearing he would make it to the door and slipping through the space before it closed completely. She could see in his face a cold rage, like a predator that must kill now or die itself. The space between the door and the wall closed in becoming smaller and smaller but there was still enough room; Crichton could still get to it before it closed. Meyla pressed her body against the opposite wall but her gaze was held by his frightening, hypnotic eyes. In them she saw the only thought that coursed through his mind. I will destroy you! Then the sight of his face was gone as the door clanged shut. Meyla stayed where she was, frozen with fear. There was a loud thump and then another. Crichton was banging on the door and she shook with the knowledge that he was only a few feet away with just the door to stop him. Then there was silence. Something more terrifying than the thumping. It meant that he moved away to find another route. He knew this ship well and there was most likely another way out of the hangar bay. Meyla fought against her terror in a struggle to regain control of her body. She knew that she didn´t have much time. She ran! Sobbing and gasping for air she fought to make her legs move as fast as they possibly could. The pounding of her feet echoed along the hallways that twisted and turned, bending this way and that. She crossed intersections and rounded corners. The tube like shapes along the walls swished past her one after another, all uniform in shape, all identical. Floor, walls and ceiling looked the same, each turn just like the last. Meyla slowed down and stopped. Puffing for air and wiping the sweat from her face she looked around and realized that she couldn't even tell which direction she had come from. Panic gripped her as she realized that she was hopelessly lost in this labyrinth of corridors. Corridors that Crichton, no doubt, knew by heart. Tears filled her eyes and streamed down her face as she exhaled with all her strength in a scream that no one would hear. Then she felt hands on her shoulders. Spinning around she looked up with eyes blurred from tears at the shape of a man. His hands grabbed onto her shoulders and gave her a subtle shake as he spoke. "Meyla! What happened?" Meyla gasped with relief at the familiar sound of Breg's voice. Holding her at arms length Breg stared at her and was stunned by the expression on her tear streaked face and the condition of her clothes. It only took him a moment to figure out what must have happened. "Who did this to you?" Meyla wriggled out of his grasp and put her hands to her face, rubbing away the tears. She couldn't help feeling embarrassed and ashamed at what she'd allowed to happen to herself. She knew that Crichton was in control, she knew that he seduced her but a part of her still felt that it was her own stupid fault. She still had her hands over her eyes when there was a strange exploding noise. She felt herself sprayed with something warm and wet. A thousand points on her skin stung at what felt like a shower of sharp pebbles hit her. She pulled her hands away in time to see Breg fall to his knees. There was a strange look of surprise on his face as he slumped to the floor. A large meaty hole about as big around as a DRD was now where his chest used to be. Meyla looked down at herself and realized that she was covered with Breg's blood and bits of bone. When she looked up again her breath caught in her throat at the sight of Crichton standing a few feet behind Breg's lifeless body, still holding up the gun that killed him. Meyla could only stare with her mouth gaping open as her body shook uncontrollably. Crichton lowered the gun and smiled as he took a few steps towards her. "Oh little one. What must you be thinking?" he cooed. "A few moments ago I was giving you such incredible pleasure yet now you look at me as if you are seeing your own death." Crichton started at her in such a way that made her body go cold. "You know?" he said, raising the gun. "You're absolutely right." * * * * * D'Argo, Aeryn and Zhaan stood just outside the maintenance bay. After Breg had left Aeryn and D'Argo went to gather more weapons while Zhaan found Rygel and Chiana and apprised them of the situation. Returning with the weapons, D'Argo ordered Rygel and Chiana to stay with Eilynn and look after her. His hard stare stifled any complaints the Hynerian and the Nebari might have had. Zhaan had accessed Moya's databanks for any information on the Vith. "Breg has been gone for nearly and arn," said Aeryn impatiently. "I say we try to find him and Meyla." "I'd feel a lot better if we knew how to kill this thing." D'Argo's tone was anxious. He wanted to tear that creature out of his lover with his bare hands if he could. Zhaan sighed in such a way that it could only mean bad news. "As long as the Vith is inside Crichton we can't do anything to it without hurting him. We have to coax it out before we will have any chance of destroying it." "How do we kill it once it's out of Crichton?" asked Aeryn. "One shot from any one of our weapons is enough to disrupt its energy matrix, thus killing it." Zhaan sighed again. "The hard part will be getting it our of John's body." "Well?" D'Argo growled. "How are we supposed to do that?" "Sound," said Zhaan. Aeryn and D'Argo both gave her a quizzical look. "More specifically, harmonic vibrations." Zhaan continued. "At the proper frequency and volume the vibrations will force the Vith out of its host." "Is that all?" Aeryn huffed. "Yes," said Zhaan. "Unfortunately the frequencies are different for each host species. Moya has information on frequencies for almost nine hundred species but…" "But not Humans." D'Argo finished. The three were silent. "Is there any way we can find out?" asked D'Argo. "Test the frequencies until we find one that works?" "Don't be ridiculous," shot Aeryn. "The minute we started the Vith would be on to us," then to Zhaan. "What if we sedated Crichton?" "No," Zhaan shook her head. "It wouldn't have any effect on the Vith." "Everyone, stop talking!" Pilot's panicked voice shouted out over everyone's comm. badges. "What's wrong?" whispered Zhaan. "I don't have control of that DRD!" Slowly the three turned and looked down. Just a few feet away, sitting in the middle of the corridor, a single DRD sat. Its shining light eyes pointed at them. "How long has that been there?" D´Argo whispered. "I don't know?" Aeryn whispered back. A moment later the DRD turned and zipped away down the hall. Without thinking, D'Argo and Aeryn ran after it. TO BE CONTINUED… ![]() Background courtesy of Jezebel... A site for sore eyes. |