TITLE: "Here and Now"
AUTHOR: Shrift
PAIRING: John/D´Argo
RATING: R, for non-explicit sexual innuendo and shameless groping
SERIES: Fetish Drabbles -- 100 word drabbles based on an unusual sexual practice. Defintions taken from the Glossary of Unusual Sexual Practices at http://www.odd-sex.com/info/index2.htm
SUMMARY: John insists. D´Argo has no chance.
DISCLAIMER: I do not own these boys. I own a Spam Shrine and a bottle of Aquafina filled with bad tap water and these 100 words which lovingly pervert someone else´s creation. Hotcha!
ARCHIVE: Yes to SmutScape and FSA, should xen and Toni want.
FEEDBACK: psycholly@yahoo.com to enable the feedback slut

* Gregomulcia: sexually arousal by being fondled in a crowd*

"What are you doing, John?" D´Argo´s voice came soft and raspy in the human´s ear, the Luxan´s neck bent so the question reached John´s ear alone in the crowded bazaar.

John tilted his head up and threw D´Argo a grin full of mischievous abandon. "What does it *feel* like I´m doing?"

D´Argo´s breath hitched as John moved his hand again, dexterous *hot* fingers rubbing and stroking D´Argo´s rapidly hardening cock through soft red material. John pressed closer in the crush, backing D´Argo against a wall and angling for concealment.

"Here?" D´Argo asked incredulously.

"Yeah," John breathed, fingers twitching lazily. "Here."

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